How To Delete Your Data From MoneyCoach

• written by Perjan Duro
How To Delete Your Data From MoneyCoach

If for whatever reason you stop using MoneyCoach and want to ask us the question "Can you terminate and delete my account and information?", the answer is pretty simple, just delete the app from your device.

We value your privacy

Unlike many other financial apps out there, MoneyCoach on iOS, iPadOS, macOS and Apple Watch does not require you to register a profile to use it. We value your privacy and as such we don't force you to register just to use the app. Your data in MoneyCoach is yours and it is stored locally on your device or on your iCloud Drive if you choose to sync your data across your devices. The data stored in your iCloud Drive is accessible only by you, MoneyCoach and Apple cannot see or access it in anyway.

In some rare instances, we might ask you to send us your data so that we can check and analyse it to see if there's something wrong. This is optional and it's up to you to decide if you want to share your data with us.

So to sum up, if you want us to delete your account and information, there's no account or information on our side that we can delete, you have total control and are solely responsible for your own data.

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